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How To Take Closed Tray Implant Impression for...

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 1429 comments: 0

In this episode, Dr. Taylor Manalili introduces the closed tray impression copings and demonstrates the clinical techniques used for each style coping. 

How To Take Implant Open Tray Impression for...

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 2535 comments: 0

 In this episode, Dr. Taylor Manalili introduces the implant open tray impression copings and demonstrates the clinical techniques used for each style coping. 

Implant Impression Methods: Open and Closed Tray

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 1868 comments: 0

This video from presents step by step procedure of open and closed tray impression methods for implant prosthesis.

How to Take One-step Impressions

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 10014 comments: 0

If you're going to take impressions with the same trays you used to check for size, don't forget to thoroughly sanitize your trays before applying the adhesive to avoid possible contamination! In this...

How to Take Two-step Impressions

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 11975 comments: 1

In this video, Dr. John Hackbarth demonstrates how to take impressions using a 2-step putty process.

Dental Implant Staging Model - Model Demonstration

views: 4337 comments: 0

In this video you can see dental implant staging model, implant placement, stage ii uncovery healing abutments, impression coping. The Reganato Lecture Series.

Crazy Glue Impression Coping

views: 1932 comments: 0

Using Cyanoacrylate to ensure NO movement of implant impression coping following impression fabrication!

NB Impression Coping and Lab Replica

views: 2122 comments: 0

NB Impression Coping and Lab Replica - placing them into the impression prior to pouring.

Triple Tray Dual Arch Impression

views: 2164 comments: 0

Here is my dual arch impression back from the lab and an important learning point comes with it.

Triple Tray And Adhesive Application

views: 3249 comments: 0

I'm using a triple tray to fabricate a stent for a provisional FDP. I'm preparing a 3 unit FDP on a dentaform.

3i Open Tray Impression Coping - WP on an RP

views: 3812 comments: 0

3i Open Tray Impression Coping - WP on a RP We don't have a regular platform impression coping, however, the wide platform appears to fit perfectly in the RP lab replica. This patient drove 2.5 hrs one...

Dental Implant - Open Tray Impression Technique...

views: 3779 comments: 0

Here I am removing an Open Tray Impression after setting. This is using a 3i system.

Dental Implant - Open Tray Impression Technique...

views: 2891 comments: 0

Dental Implant - Open Tray Impression Technique - Tape over the port What a great hint - place tape over the port for the impression coping to prevent VPS from flowing everywhere during the transfer to...

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