
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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How to Differentiate the Inguinoscrotal Swellings,...

views: 353 comments: 0

Swelling in inguinoscrotal region present as congenital hernia, hydrocele or pyocele. Thus, medical graduate should know how to differentiate this clinically and how to demonstrate it. Clinical test -...

Disconnection of the Sac from the Peritoneum...

views: 2640 comments: 2

Surgical video case: disconnection of the sac from the peritoneum in groin hernia coexisting with an ipsilateral communicating hydrocele of 7 yrs old boy.

Scrotal Swellings - Case No 1 - Hydrocele

views: 37379 comments: 0

In this video I teach extensively about one of the common causes of scrotal swellings - Hydrocele. All my videos are problem based, because patients are coming to us with problems and not with diagnosis....

Hernia, Hydrocele and Varicocele Examination...

Mohd Ihmeidan

Specialty:  Students
views: 29405 comments: 0

Hernia examination for medical students. 

Hernia and Hydrocele in Children

views: 18446 comments: 2

Congenital inguinal hernia and hydrocele in children by Dr Ahhmed Abdelmohsen. The video demonstrates the very basic open herniotomy which is one of many methods to repair hernia in children.  

Inguinal Hernia - Groin Swellings

views: 8004 comments: 0

Inguinal Hernia - is one of the common problems in surgery. All medical students must know everything about this common surgical problem. In this video I have explained everything about this lesion in...

Hydrosalpinx- excision

Bogdan Obrzut

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 9851 comments: 0

The film presents the procedure of laparoscopic excision of hydrosapinx (hydrocele in fallopian tube) using the laparoscopic method. The procedure is performed by dr n.med. Bogdan Obrzut.


Specialty:  Urology
views: 72327 comments: 0

The video shows adult hydrocele surgery (hydrocele repair) performed by Dr. Dan Williams, Associate Professor of Urology, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. This outpatient...

Congenital Hydrocele

Dr Ashish Bhanot

Specialty:  Urology
views: 30187 comments: 0

The author of this video presents congenital hydrocele.

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