New Technique for Endoscopic Adenoidectomy by Microdebrider (Shaver)

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2 years ago

Case description

New technique for endoscopic adenoidectomy by microdebrider using 70 degree endoscope trans oral and microdebrider introduced trans nasal. Very simple, safe and rapid technique with minimal limitations. The aim of this technique is to safe the most two important structures in the nasopharynx (carotid and longissmus capitis muscle). This technique for children from 1 year up to about 10 years over that you may not reach to the most lower border of the adenoid, in this situation the most lower part debrided by shaver trans oral with the same endoscope 70 degree. In the video some endoscopic anatomical land mark for nasopharynx and adenoid.

tags: adenoidectomy Endoscopic Adenoidectomy ent video ent video case ENT education ENT eLearning endoscopy education video Adenoidectomy technique surgical technique nasopharynx carotid longissmus capitis muscle adenoid shaver medical device

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