Use These 3+ Rules To Choose The Right Size Implant Every Time!

6 months ago
Implant Dentistry

Case description

When you're placing a single implant or performing a full-arch or full-mouth surgery, how do you know what size implant to choose? Does it matter? Oh yeah, size matters here. When it comes to implants, both diameter and length are important, though for different reasons. It's vital that you follow the 1/2 Rule, 2B Rule, and length rules to ensure that you're placing the right size implant every time. Implant size is important so that your implant placement resists both axial and off-axis forces placed on the implant by the patient during mastication and other activities. And the rescue implant? As T'Challa said, "we don't do that here." Rescue implants involve intentionally placing a sub-optimal implant, whether at first or as a failsafe measure. We don't plan to fail–use these rules to choose the right-sized implant every time!

tags: implantology Implant Dentistry for dentists for dental students size of an implant

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