17 Atlas of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

4 years ago
General Surgery

Case description

Public health nursing (PHN) is a specialty practice within public health and nursing. “It promotes and protects the health of populations using knowledge from various fields including nursing, public health, and the social sciences.” It addresses multiple determinants of health with a focus on improving overall population health, removing health disparities, and establishing social justice [1] This course will be placed at the Fever Abassia Hospital conference room as my hospital has a great role in nurse teaching and training through the nurse school under the supervision of the ministry of Egyptian Health. Nurse Students and Post-graduated nurses will attend and get the benefit from the course. As, Egyptian patients sometimes depend on their medical knowledge or they take the medical information from their relatives and neighbors which almost are incorrect. So, I think we need the nurse to be a kind of connection between the community and physicians. Generally, the well-trained nurse will be able to give some simple recommendation to patients as well as guide them to suitable needed medical personnel. Specifically, Fever Hospitals diagnose and treat infectious disease, So, we are in need to educate people how to deal with any infectious patient, don’t rush for using antimicrobials before right diagnosis, differentiate between viral and bacterial infectious disease. We will use the flipped classroom in teaching the medical information and benefits of public health nursing in our community, also it's important to get nurse students actively engaged in the program. We will access the success of the project by making quizzes to detect the quantity of information that gained by nurse students and several surveys on hard copies to detect their opinions about the course. The two main challenges that will face us to spread this idea.

tags: inflammatory bowel diseases PHN Public health nursing

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