MEDtube Science 2016 - Meckel’s diverticulum resection as a part of Emergency General Surgery – single centre experience in years 2006-2014.

3 years ago
General Surgery

Case description

An emergency surgery is a medical procedure that must be performed immediately to solve the patients’ health problem successfully. A delay of this medical procedure could result in a death or a permanent impairment of the health. An emergency surgery can be also defined as a surgery which is required to be performed in case of an acute threat to life of an organ, limb or tissue caused by an external trauma, acute disease process, acute exacerbation of a chronic disease process or complication of a surgical or other interventional procedure. Scott and co-workers [1] analysed 3.1 million of patients admitted to the hospital due to acute indication and they reported that emergency general surgery (EGS) represents 11% of admissions. EGS includes: cute appendicitis, peritonitis, bowel obstruction, acute mesenteric ischemia, gastrointestinal perforation or bleeding, acute cholecystitis, irreducible or incarcerated hernias, injuries after accidents e. g. organ fractures, intentional ingestion of foreign bodies or poisonous substances

tags: MEDtube Science journal 2016 resection meckels diverticulum

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