Colitis Ulcerosa - Pancolitis (6 of 7)

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13 years ago

Case description

The cecum. Clinical Severity: Moderate. Patients with moderate UC have four to eight bowel movements daily, more frequent rectal urgency, and postprandial cramping and bowel movements. Blood is present in most stools, and nocturnal wakening for bowel movements is common. The disease can interfere with daily work or school activities and social life. Severe. Patients with severe UC have more than eight bowel movements daily, nocturnal bowel movements, severe urgency with or without incontinence, and systemic signs that include low -grade fever, night sweats, weakness, and weight loss. Abdominal tenderness, tachycardia, anemia, leukocytosis, and hypoalbuminemia are common. Fulminant. Patients with fulminant colitis have more than 10 bowel movements a day, nocturnal bowel movements, severe abdominal pain or relentless tenesmus, and rebound tenderness or distention with tympanic bowel sounds. They also have prostration, high fever, and hypotension. Radiographic studies show evidence of mucosal edema, intramural air (pneumatosis coli), colonic dilatation (toxic megacolon), or free abdominal air (perforation)

tags: pancolitis ulcerosa colonoscopy cecum

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