Crohn´s Disease (20 of 28)

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13 years ago

Case description

Crohn´s Disease. Terminal ileum. Irregular ulceration, erithema and nodules are appreciated. When we look at the spectrum of Crohns disease, probably one-half to two-thirds of the patients have the disease, involving the last portion of the small intestine and the first portion of the colon Maybe another quarter of patients have disease only in the small intestine,and another quarter only in the large intestine. So the distribution of Crohns disease in the intestinal track is important because we now have different medical therapies that can actually be targeted to sites along the intestine both the anti-inflammatory therapies, called the five ASA agents and new steroid treatments are actually targeted to the ileum and the first portion of the colon. So the location of the disease is very important, to begin with

tags: Crohn's disease colonoscopy ulcer inflammation

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