Giant Liver Hemangioma as an Incidentaloma in a Case of Sleeve Gastrectomy

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6 months ago
Bariatric surgery

Case description

Different laparoscopic bariatric surgeries including laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG), Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (RYGB), and adjustable gastric banding (AGB) have become increasingly popular and successful treatments for obesity. Therefore, more incidental pathologies can be found either during bariatric surgery or in the pathology specimen being sent after bariatric surgery, which is termed as incidentaloma. Even with a thorough preoperative examination, unexpected and incidental pathologies or findings, such as polyps, metaplasia, and tumors in the small bowel, liver, and stomach, have been noticed in 2-8% of bariatric operations. Surgical video case: giant liver hemangioma as an incidentaloma during sleeve gastrectomy. 

tags: sleeve gastrectomy Obesity Giant Liver Hemangioma surgical technique surgical cases sleeve gastrectomy case LSG rygb adjustable gastric banding Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy laparoscopy

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