MEDtube Science 2014 - Results of transplantation of kidneys from expanded criteria donors

3 years ago

Case description

Kidney transplantation is a renowned method of renal replacement therapy and it enables to achieve better short-term and long-term survival outcomes compared to chronic dialysis therapy. Due to deficiency of organs available for transplantation, organs from expanded criteria donors (ECD) are used more and more often. Objective of the work: The work aimed to compare results of transplantation of kidneys from standard donors (SCD) and expanded criteria donors (ECD). Material and methods: The analysis included 232 patients who received kidneys from deceased donors, in the period 2010-2011 at the Chair and Department of General and Transplantation Surgery, Warsaw Medical University. Recipients were divided into 2 groups: SCD(n=176) and ECD(n=76). Recipients in both groups did not differ with regard to the age, sex, dialysis therapy duration prior to transplantation, immunosuppression or immunocompatibility with donors. Graft survival, recipient survival, delayed graft function (DGF), eGFR, blood creatinine levels and number of acute rejection (AR) episodes were analysed. Results: There were no statistical differences with regard to one-year graft survival rate between study groups: 87.5% in the ECD group vs. 92.3% in the SCD group, one-year recipient survival rate: 95.2% vs. 98.6% for ECD and SCD, respectively, DGF was significantly more common in the ECD group– 56.2% vs. 34.5% in the SCD group (p

tags: MEDtube Science 2014 journal article transplantation KIDNEY

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