shoulder instability

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Shoulder Instability for Orthopaedic Exams

views: 1555 comments: 0

This is a teaching session on shoulder instability for orthopaedic exams, co-hosted by Nikki Evans and Ruth Threadgold from ORUK. - Professor Duncan Tennant, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and professor...

Shoulder Instability

views: 1841 comments: 0

Mustafa Rashid on shoulder instability. For upcoming webinars and courses please visit: Please follow us on Twitter ,Facebook ,Instagram and Telegram. Concise Orthopaedic...

Arthroscopic Latarjet (@Latarjet) - Left Shoulder...

views: 5534 comments: 0

19 years old male, left shoulder anterior recurrent dislocation. This video shows the latest upgrade of the technique.

Multidirectional Instability of the Shoulder...

views: 6158 comments: 0

Arthroscopic shoulder surgery video series performed by Bryan L. Reuss, MD, of Orlando Orthopaedic Center. This comprehensive, three part video series chronicles a patient of Orlando Orthopaedic Center,...

Tear Of The Capsule In Multiple Shoulder Displacement

views: 6453 comments: 0

The video is a case report of 16-year old patient, who suffered from recurrent shoulder dislocation (10 times). The case is rare, because capsular tear occured without Bankart injury.

Test For Posterior Shoulder Displacement

views: 4911 comments: 0

The video clip presents assessment of posterior shoulder instability.

Physical Examination In Shoulder Dislocation

views: 5775 comments: 0

The video clip illustrates clinical assessment of the patient suffering from displacement of posterior shoulder. Clunk test was performed and proved a shoulder instability.

Shoulder Instability (Posterior Clunk Test)

views: 6490 comments: 0

In the video clip we can see a performation of a posterior clunk test revealing instable shoulder.

Multidirectional Instability In A Drawer Examination

views: 5604 comments: 0

The video shows shoulder multidirectional instability.

Displacement Of The Shoulder Reduction Method

views: 72574 comments: 0

The video clip presents a man with 5 displacements of the shoulder. The reduction method starts by elevation of the shoulder and is followed by external rotation. Neither anesthesia nor sedation is needed.

Shoulder Displacement

views: 9107 comments: 0

The video presents clinical assessment of the shoulder dislocation before the surgery.

Displacement Of The Shoulder Talk

views: 3981 comments: 0

The video investigates the detailed reason of traumatic shoulder displacement as well as minimal invasive surgery technique for instable shoulder cure.

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