endoscopic spine surgery

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic Segmental Sublaminoplasty for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic Segmental Sublaminoplasty...

views: 3052 comments: 4

Unilateral Biportal Endoscopic Lumbar decompression, is a novel technique improved and mastered by Dr. Eum Jin Hwa. We present the case of a 72 yo female patient with central canal stenosis at L4-L5 level....

BESS Guide Book

BESS Guide Book

Dae-Jung Choi

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 1805 comments: 0

Biportal Endoscopic Spine Surgery simple guide book.

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