cardiology videos

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Echo Core Curriculum: Basics of Echo Doppler...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 1220 comments: 0

Clinical video case: echo core curriculum, basics of echo Doppler (Part 2). Speaker: Dr. Yazeed Ahmed Almalki, Echo Fellow, St. Michael's Hospital Objectives: 1. Understand the difference between Pulse...

Aortic Valve Disease Across the Ages

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 1740 comments: 0

Aortic valve disease across the ages. Date: February 29, 2024. Speaker: Dr. Ra Han, Pediatric Cardiologist, St. Michael's Hospital Objectives: 1. Appreciate the impact of aortic valve stenosis on the...

Chamber Quantification in Echocardiography

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 2520 comments: 0

Echo video case: chamber quantification in echocardiography.

Contrast Echocardiography - Tips, Tricks and...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 2324 comments: 0

Video cases: contrast echocardiography - tips, tricks and illustrative cases.

Cardio-Oncology and Echocardiography

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 2455 comments: 0

Cardiology video: cardio-oncology and echocardiography.  

Use of Echo in the Evaluation of Cardiac Sources...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 2309 comments: 0

Echo teaching video: use of echo in the evaluation of cardiac sources of embolism.

Why TMVR isn’t TAVI Yet

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 2576 comments: 0

Title: why TMVR isn’t TAVI yet.

Remote Assisted Echocardiography in Congenital...

SMIT Congress

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 3840 comments: 0

Presentation title: "Remote Assisted Echocardiography in Congenital Heart Disease". Author: Henrik Brun. This video was recorded during SMIT 2022 meeting in Oslo (May 2022). Produced by ©MEDtube...

Post TAVI Percutaneous Coronary Intervention:...

SMIT Congress

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 2010 comments: 0

Title: "Post TAVI percutaneous coronary intervention: toward new recommendations". Author: Helene Clogenson. This video was recorded during SMIT 2022 meeting in Oslo (May 2022). Produced by...

7. Echocardiography Case - What You See?

Mohammed Zidan

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 5617 comments: 3

Comment below what can you see here. Full comment “@echo_tips 

3. Echocardiography Case - What You See?

Mohammed Zidan

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 5046 comments: 11

Comment below what can you see here.“Full comment “@echo_tips

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