cardiology clinical case

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Use of Echocardiography in Hemodynamics Instability...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 502 comments: 0

Use of echocardiography in hemodynamics Instability and Cardiac Arrest. Date: 24 October 2024. Speaker: Dr. Rosalie Brochu, Critical Care Medicine Fellow, University of Toronto. Objectives: 1. Appreciate...

Massive Pericardial Effusion with Huge Thrombotic...

Mohammed Zidan

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 309 comments: 0

This video showcases massive pericardial effusion. Presented by Mohammed Naiem Zidan.  

Echo Cases Potpourri - Contrast Edition

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 553 comments: 0

Echo Cases Potpourri - Contrast Edition. Date: Thursday, 29 August 2024. Speaker: Dr. Howard Leong-poi. Objectives: 1. Review echocardiographic cases of trauma patients. 2. Discuss types of traumatic...

Echocardiography and the Aorta: Fundamentals...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 918 comments: 0

Echocardiography and the Aorta: Fundamentals and Beyond. Date: 5 September 2024. Speaker: Dr. Sivisan Suntheralingam MD FRCPC, Cardiology Resident, University of Toronto. Objectives: 1. Review anatomy...

Frightening Findings: Spooky Recent Cases from...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 946 comments: 0

Frightening Findings: Spooky Recent Cases from the Echo Lab on Halloween. Date: Thursday, 31 Oct 2024. Speaker: Noah Lewis, Cardiology Resident, University of Toronto. Objectives: 1. Review unique cases...

Echocardiographic Assessment of Mechanical Valves

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 1019 comments: 0

Echocardiographic assessment of mechanical valves. Date: 19 Sept 2024. Speaker: Dr. Meshal AlAnezi. Objectives: 1. Provide an overview of mechanical aortic and mitral valves echocardiographic assessment....

Echocardiography in Infective Endocarditis Case-Based...

Chi-Ming Chow

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 1940 comments: 0

Abdulrahman Alanazi MBBS. Date: Thursday, May 5, 2022. Objectives: 1. Discuss historical perspectives of infective endocarditis. 2. Review the diagnostic criteria of infective endocarditis. 3. Explain...

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