Cervical Spine Trauma

10 months ago

Case description

The webinar is about cervical spine trauma presented by Atar Siddiqui, a spinal senior fellow from London. 

- The presentation will cover the evaluation of cervical spine trauma in various exam scenarios, including aerial path, trauma viva, and short/long cases.

- Clinical evaluation involves assessing for gaps, tenderness, and neurology, as well as evaluating specific lines on x-rays.

- Clearing the cervical spine involves confirming the absence of injury and considering strict indications for cervical collar removal.

- Cervical spine trauma can have orthopedic manifestations such as spinal cord injury or polytrauma, and imaging choices include CT scan and MRI.

This teaching video is specifically helpful for candidates preparing for the following Orthopaedic Exams : FRCS , European Board (FEBOT) , SICOT Diploma and Arabic Boards 

www.OrthopaedicAcademy.co.uk www.OrthopaedicAcademy.net

tags: Athar Siddiqui Cervical Spine Trauma trauma cases Clinical evaluation cervical collar removal spinal cord injury FRCS FEBOT

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