Laparoscopic Revisional Surgery After Failed Heller Myotomy for Esophageal Achalasia

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a month ago
General Surgery

Case description

Heller myotomy has proved an effective treatment for esophageal achalasia, with good or excellent results in 90% of patients. The treatment of failures remains controversial, however. Recurrence of symptoms after myotomy is mainly related to incomplete myotomy or sclerosis of the distal site of the myotomy. The reasons for myotomy failure are difficult to determine and the appropriate management of these patients remains controversial, ranging from endoscopic dilation to botulinum toxin injection, redo myotomy, and esophagectomy.The redo Heller myotomy procedure in cases of incomplete myotomy and releasing adhisions and sclerosis, albeit difficult, is safe and effective in relieving symptoms in this group of patients.


tags: achalasia esophageal achalasia Failed Heller Myotomy heller myotomy laparoscopic technique video laparoscopy Revisional Surgery

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