Laparoscopic Orchiectomy Combined with Hernia Repair

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5 years ago
General Surgery

Case description

This video demonstrate Laparoscopic treatment for inguinal hernia combined with cryptorchidism management by Trans Abdominal Preperitoneal repair of hernia in a patient with undescended testes with hernia. Laparoscopic hernia repair with orchiectomy under the same operative view. Approximately 7% of child patients with inguinal hernias also present with cryptorchidism. On the other hand, combined adult cases are uncommon. Here we report two adult cases of inguinal hernia combined with intra-canalicular cryptorchidism who underwent TAPP repair with orchiodectomy under the same operative view. Laparoscopic hernia repair with orchiectomy under the same operative view could be safely performed in adults with an inguinal hernia combined with extra-abdominal cryptorchidism. This procedure could be an option for the treatment of such adult patients. Cryptorchidism is a condition in which one or both testes fail to descend into the scrotum before birth. The frequency of undescended testes has been reported as 4.1–6.9% during the neonatal period, 1.0–1.6% by 3 months of age, 1.0–1.7% by 1 year of age, and less than 1.0% after 1 year of age. Orchiectomy is also recommended for adult cases because adult patients with cryptorchidism already lack spermatogenic function and have a risk of neoplasms. 

tags: hernia hernia repair Laparoscopic orchiectomy laparoscopy orchiectomy

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