Laparoscopic Repair of Recurrent Umbilical Hernia

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6 years ago
General Surgery

Case description

This video demonstrates laparoscopic repair of Umbilical recurrent hernia. An umbilical hernia is a rather common surgical problem. Elective repair after diagnosis is advised by the laparoscopic technique. Suture repairs have high recurrence rates; therefore, mesh reinforcement is recommended. Mesh can be placed through either an open or laparoscopic approach with good clinical results. We are performing at World Laparoscopy Hospital for more than 20 years. Laparoscopic umbilical hernia repair has been practiced at World Laparoscopy Hospital since the late 1990s. Newer bilayer prosthetic devices are designed for open intraperitoneal inlay placement. They have two sides, one is polypropylene and the other side is a non-adherent material to face viscera. Bilayer polypropylene or partially reabsorbable meshes have also been used for umbilical hernias. They comprised one sublay and one overlay patch with a connector to eliminate migration. However, clinical outcomes after repairs with these devices have not been widely documented.

tags: herniology recurrent hernia umbilical hernia

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