Appendicular Abscess CT 1

Appendicular Abscess CT 1
8 years ago
General Surgery

Case description

45 year old multiparous lady without previous medical illness presented with RIF Pain and fever of 9 days duration. She was diagnosed elsewhere to have an appendicular mass and hence was treated conservatively. She came to us with spiking temperature and severe pain abdomen. Her RBS was 300mg/ dl and TLC - 13000 with a shift towards neutrophilia.
Ultrasound showed a mixed Ecogenic ill defined mass in the right iliac fossa. CT of the abdomen showed a retrocaecal abscess more medially placed. Since it was difficult to approach extraperitoneally it was decided to do a diagnostic lap and drain the abscess.
Patient had an uneventful post operative period. The drain was removed on day 7.

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