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MEDtube Science 2016 - FINDRISC scale as a common tool to assess the risk of diabetes type 2

3 years ago

Case description

Background: The aim of the study was to evaluate the risk of developing type 2 diabetes among middle-aged and elderly with the use of FINDRISC scale. Material and methods: The study involved 200 people. Those participating in the study were given the form representing the scale of developing diabetes risk, based on FINDRISC scale and classified into one of five groups of risk of developing type 2 diabetes within 10 years. Results: 47% of examined patients are of a moderate, high or very high risk of developing diabetes type 2. There was no significant difference between men and women. The correlation between age and the risk of developing diabetes type 2 appeared insignificant. The correlation between BMI and the risk as well as waist circumference and the risk appeared to be high, positive. Conclusions: FINDRISC scale is a simple tool to rank the risk of developing diabetes in the general popula- tion, among the overweight or obese patients having positive family history of developing diabetes.

tags: MEDtube Science journal 2016 findrisc diabetes

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