Back-to-back Class IIs

3 years ago

Case description

Learn how to restore a back-to-back Class II with a sectional matrix system in a few simple steps to get the best restoration possible.


0:00-0:36 Introduction

0:37-1:10 Review Case Photo

1:11-1:29 First Technique Intro

1:30-2:05 Matrix Band Selection

2:06-2:42 Placing the Matrix Bands

2:43-2:58 Placing the Interproximal Wedges

2:59-3:29 Modifying Matrix Band Placement

3:30-4:04 Placing the Matrix Ring

4:05-4:48 Tips for Composite Filling

4:49-5:10 First Technique Review

5:11-5:26 Removing Materials from Typodont

5:27-8:28 Review Case Photos

8:29-8:45 Second Technique Intro

8:46-10:10 Placing the Distal Matrix Bands and Wedges

10:11-10:31 Burnishing the Matrix Bands

10:32-10:45 Removing Materials from Typodont

10:46-11:31 Placing the Mesial Bands and Wedges

11:32-12:17 Placing the Matrix Rings

12:18-13:28 Troubleshooting Matrix Ring Placement Issues

13:29-14:11 Final Thoughts

tags: class II composite restoration conservative dentistry matrix Restoration tips typodont

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