Osteology of the Radius

9 years ago

Case description

After completion of this video session, it is expected that you will be able to: Identify and describe bony features of the radius including Proximal end: head, neck and radial tuberosity Distal end: styloid process, ulnar notch, radial tubercle, facet for the scaphoid and facet for the lunate Identify the location of muscle and ligament attachments of the radius Describe the formation of the superior radio ulnar joint Identify the ligament affected in pulled elbow Explain how the attachment of the biceps tendon makes the muscle a powerful supinator of the forearm Explain how the attachment of supinator allows the muscle to perform its action Appreciate that during pronation and supination, it is the radius that rotates around a fixed ulna Describe the attachment of the interosseous membrane of the forearm and how it contributes to transmission of forces form the hand to the humerus Identify the location of the nutrient foramen and explain the reason behind its orientation Outline the formation of the compartments deep to the extensor retinaculum Describe the formation of the inferior radioulnar joint and why it is separated from the wrist joint Presented and edited by Dr. Akram Jaffar, Ph.D.

tags: osteology osteoology radial bone radius

Łukasz Faflik

Łukasz Faflik


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