Pons, Simplified Sections Of Internal Structure

8 years ago

Case description

This video is part of a playlist of videos on the internal structure of the brain stem. In this video, internal structure at the following section levels is described:
- Level of facial and abducent nucleus (lower pons)
- Level of trigeminal nuclei (upper pons)
- Level of open part of the medulla oblongata
- Spinal cord

For each fiber tract the location, function, origin and destination are summarized. Each nucleus is identified in terms of location, function and connections. Thus the session correlates anatomical structures seen in the pons with those of the medulla oblongata, midbrain and spinal cord. For this purpose, sections of the spinal cord, and medulla oblongata have also been added.

After completion of this video session, it is expected that you will be able to develop a three dimensional picture of the gross anatomy of the medulla oblongata and its internal structure.
Locate the positions of cranial nerve nuclei and the paths taken by the major ascending and descending nerve tracts. Assess the signs and symptoms presented by the patient and identify the exact location of a lesion affecting the brain stem. Correlate the signs and symptoms of pons astrocytoma with nuclei and nerve tracts involved by the tumor. Explain the difference in signs of upper and lower motor neuron lesions affecting the facial motor nucleus.

Presented and edited by Dr. Akram Jaffar, Ph.D.

tags: neuroanatomy anatomy brain stem pons

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