Sergey Baydo

Sergey Baydo

MD, PhD - Assistant Professor
Professional group
Fields of interest
General Surgery
Dr. Sergey Baydo, MD, PhD, is a specialist in General Surgery. Associate Professor at the Department of General Surgery, Institute of Medical Education, Novgorod State University.

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Laparoscopic Removal of Gastric GIST

views: 5325 comments: 2

The video shows laparoscopic removal of gastric GIST (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor) by Dr. Sergey Baydo.

TAMIS for Villous Adenoma of the Rectum

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The video shows TAMIS (TransAnal Minimally Invasive Surgery) of villous adenoma of the rectum by Dr. Sergey Baydo.


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Laparoscopic TME, adnexectomy and IPOM hernioplasty in 65 y.o. pt with T2N0M0G2 rectal adenocarcinoma (11 cm from anal verge) and ventral hernia after open cholecystectomy trough midline laparotomy. Full-time...

Laparoscopic Total D2-gastrectomy

views: 4950 comments: 0

The video shows laparoscopic total D2 gastrectomy in 74 y.o. male pt with ypT3ypN1(2/46)M0,L1,V0,R0,G3 adenocarcinoma of the mixed type with extensive infiltration of the gastric wall after neoajuvant...

Laparoscopic Extended Transversectomy With Partial Gastrectomy

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The video shows laparoscopic extended transversectomy with partial gastrectomy in local advanced cancer of transverse colon with gastric invasion and transverso-gastric fistula. pT4b,pN0(0/27),L0,V0,R0,G3....

Laparoscopic D2-partial Gastrectomy

views: 4948 comments: 0

The video shows laparoscopic D2 gastrectomy in 70 y.o. male pt with pT3pN2(3/40)M0,L1,V0,R0,G2 adenocarcinoma of antrum after neoajuvant CT. Full-time video without editing except 20 min extracorporeal...

Laparoscopic Radical Hysterectomy with Paraaortic Lymph Node Sampling

Sergey Baydo

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 6829 comments: 1

Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy with paraaortic lymph node sampling for T1bNxM0 squamous cell cervical carcinoma. Full-time video without editing by Dr. Sergey Baydo

Laparoscopic Paracervical Myomectomy

Sergey Baydo

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 5713 comments: 0

Laparoscopic paracervical myomectomy in 24 y.o. patient by Dr. Sergey Baydo. Total tumor weight 290 gr.

Laparoscopic hysterectomy by Kurt Semm

Sergey Baydo

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 5412 comments: 0

Vintage video: Kurt Semm, 1992, laparoscopic intrafascial hysterectomy. Thanks Fedor Holodnyakov for sharing this video.

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy for Huge 8+ kg Tumor

Sergey Baydo

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 3842 comments: 0

The video shows laparoscopic total hysterectomy in 48 y.o. patient with huge uterine tumor. Weight of specimen 8124 gr (8+ kg). Full-time video without cutting except extracorporeal step of specimen extraction...

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy with Pelvic Lymphadenectomy in Patient...

Sergey Baydo

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4619 comments: 1

The video shows hard laparoscopic hysterectomy with pelvic LND in patient with BMI=65 for endometrial carcinoma. Full-time video by Dr. Sergey Baydo

Laparoscopic Management Of Bleeding During Anatomical Liver Resection...

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The video shows laparoscopic management of bleeding during S6-segmental liver resection by Dr. Sergey Baydo. Blood-loss through injury about 200 cc, total blog-loss 300 cc during procedure.

IPOM Hernioplasty

views: 3644 comments: 0

The video shows laparoscopic hernia repair of ventral hernia (IPOM). Full-time video without editing by Dr. Sergey Baydo

Zero Ischemia Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy

Sergey Baydo

Specialty:  Urology
views: 3020 comments: 0

The video shows zero ischemia laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for T1N0M0 renal cell carcinoma by Dr. Sergey Baydo. Full-time video without editing. Blood-loss 70 cc.

Laparoscopic Adrenalectomy For Huge Tumor

views: 3654 comments: 0

The video shows laparoscopic adrenalectomy for huge low grade adrenocortical carcinoma G1-2 by Dr. Sergey Baydo. Full-time video.

Laparoscopic Excision Biopsy of Mesenteric Liposarcoma

views: 5900 comments: 0

The video shows laparoscopic biopsy of mesenteric mass. Pathology report: de-defferentiated liposarcoma G3. Surgeon Sergey Baydo. Full-time not edited video.

Thoracoscopic Biopsy

views: 4768 comments: 0

The video shows thoracoscopic excision biopsy of lymph nodes by Dr. Sergey Baydo.

Ileo-Transverso-Anastomosis During Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy

views: 8030 comments: 2

The video shows extracorporeal ileo-transverso-anastomosis during laparoscopic right hemicolectomy. Surgeon Sergey Baydo.

Injury Of Superior Mesenteric Vein During Laparoscopic Pancreatectomy

views: 5302 comments: 1

The video shows laparoscopic management of injury of superior mesenteric vein during laparoscopic pancreatectomy. Repair by 4/0 Prolene suture. Full-time video of episode without editing. Surgeon Sergey...

Laparoscopic Multiple Myomectomy With Controllable Ischemia

Sergey Baydo

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4771 comments: 5

The video shows laparoscopic myomectomy with controllable ischemia by DeBakey (bulldog) clamps and Absolock clips. Total ischemia time was 48 min. Blood loss 50 cc. Surgeon Sergey Baydo. Full-time video...

Laparoscopic D2 Partial Gastrectomy

views: 4392 comments: 0

The video shows laparoscopic D2 partial gastrectomy in pt with cT3N1M0G2 stenotic adenocarcinoma of pre-pyloric part. Two weeks before pt had laparoscopy with peritoneal washing (without tumor cells)...

Laparoscopic TME

views: 5311 comments: 0

Laparoscopic TME for cT3N1M0G1 rectal adenocarcinoma after neoadjuvant RT 50,4 Gr. Full-time video without editing (except extracorporereal step of anvil introduction). Total operation time 71 min. Surgeon...

Laparoscopic Left Lateral Sectionectomy

views: 4794 comments: 0

The video shows laparoscopic left lateral sectionectomy (anatomic liver resection - S2-3 segmentectomy) for colorectal liver metastasis. Full-time video without editing. Blood-loss 60 cc. Video by Dr....

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