Aguinel Bastian

Aguinel Bastian

MD, PhD.
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He holds a degree in Medicine from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1989), a Master's in Medical Sciences from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2002) and a PhD in Sciences from the University of São Paulo (2012 - Urology). Urologist at UROMED Clínica do Equipamento Gênito-Urinario Ltda., urologist at Hospital Governador Celso Ramos and urologist at the Oncological Research Center. He held the position of Supervisor of the Medical Residency Program in Urology at Hospital Governador Celso Ramos from 2001 to 2006. He was Coordinator of the Superior Council of Medical Entities of Santa Catarina from 10/2011 to 07/2012 He is currently President of the Associação Catarinense de Medicina - term of office from 2011 to 2014.

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Robotic (Versius) Left Radical Nephroureterectomy

Aguinel Bastian

Specialty:  Urology
views: 2941 comments: 2

Patient: 51 years old, male. Urothelial carcinoma in left renal pelvis. Surgeon: Aguinel José Bastian Júnior, MD PHD. Auxiliar: Luís Felipe Piovesan, MD PHDCMR Versius Robotic Surgery Platform. Hospital...

Robotic (Versius) Distal Ureterectomy and Ureterovesical Anastomosis

Aguinel Bastian

Specialty:  Urology
views: 3105 comments: 0

Patient: 68 years old, female. Urothelial carcinoma in distal right ureter.Surgeon: Aguinel José Bastian Júnior, MD PHD. Auxiliars: Luís Felipe Piovesan, MD PHD, Ricardo Kupka da Silva, MD PHD. CMR Versius...

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Robotic (Versius) Surgeries

added:  2 years ago views:  1 Materials:  2