Theodor Billroth Academy

Theodor Billroth Academy - publications, events, lectures

Street address
Josephsburgstrasse 6
81673 Munich
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Theodor Billroth (1829–1894) was a national and international a very well-known and celebrated surgeon. During his career, he achieved something that was completely new at that time: he not only documented every operation that he carried out, including its perioperative and/or postoperative complications, but he also published these data for a scientific audience, initiating a public and critical debate. His input not only led to heated debates within the newly founded 'Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chirurgie', but also led to open discussion of postoperative outcomes. This in itself made information about postoperative morbidity available to a wider community, and it must therefore be regarded as representing a substantial advance towards a new style of surgical behaviour in what was then a new academic community. Theodor Billroth can therefore be regarded as one of the founders of academic surgery.

Basis for the establishment of the Theodor-Billroth-Academy® is:

- the active promotion of the education and
- sparkling the interest of the subject "Surgery" and „Academic Surgery“.

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