MEDtube Science 2014 - Simultaneous laparoscopic repair of Spiegelian and umbilical hernias using intraperitoneal mesh: case report and literature review

3 years ago
General Surgery

Case description

Background: Spiegelian hernia is one of the uncommon abdominal anterior wall defects. It occurs in 0.1-2% cases of all abdominal external hernias, with the peak incidence in the fifth decade of life, more commonly in women, frequently in left-sided location (72,7%). Uncomplicated Spiegelian hernia is recognized preoperatively in only 50% of cases. In the remaining cases, the diagnosis is made incidentally or intraoperatively. Case report: 80 y.o. male patient with diagnosis of right-sided Spiegelian hernia and umbilical hernia underwent simultaneous laparoscopic repair with dual-sided intraperitoneal Parietex Composite 20 x 25 cm ( 8” x 10”) mesh with antiadhesive properties. Postoperative follow-up clinical examination with SF-36 questionaire quality of life assessment, estimation of patient’s daily exercise capacity and pain measurement by visual analogue scale were performed. No hernia recurrence was observed. There were no symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract. Patient’s quality of life improved.

tags: MEDtube Science 2014 journal article laparoscopy hernia mesh

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