9th Lublin International Medical Congress

Organizer: Student's Scientific Society of Medical University of Lublin
Venue: online and stationary in Lublin, Lublin, Poland
Website: go to
Date: from: 2022-11-17 to: 2022-11-19
Fee: Not specified
Programme: view
Views: 1269

LIMC is an international medical conference for students and young doctors. Every year we host participants from all over the world. The aim of the conference is to present, share and get knowledge about the newest research and academic achievements in the field of medicine.

Why participate?
- Speakers - The leading experts in medical science will share their experiences and the latest findings in the scientific world thus broadening your horizons.
- Workshops - There is no better way of achieving particular skills than practice. Meeting your expectations, we will prepare varied workshops, with a view to all kind of our future medical specializations.
- Networking - Making friendships and meeting new colleagues who share your love of biomedical science is a wonderful experience. Our social program will make sure that you create meaningful relationships.
- Scientist - World-class specialists in many branches of medicine will share their life experience and give a lecture on the most current medical problems and solutions.
- Interdisciplinary - Medical profession demands teamwork on everyday basis. Our conference is a place, where you can get familiar with cases that correlate with various fields of medicine.
- Worldwide - You can participate in conferences from anywhere in the world. All you need is a device with Internet access.

tags: Student's Scientific Society of Medical University Medical University of Lublin 9th Lublin International Medical Congress LIMC 2022 medical conference for students

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