ESSO 2020 Virtual

Organizer: European Society of Surgical Oncology
Venue: Virtual event,
Website: go to
Date: from: 2020-10-23 to: 2020-10-24
Fee: 50 - 150 EUR
Programme: view
Views: 1862

This year, we will deliver to our members and surgical oncologists around the world a platform for knowledge exchange in the form of a virtual experience. In the current context, the impact of COVID-19 and how we are reshaping surgical oncology after the pandemic will be the guiding thread throughout the meeting. Organised over two consecutive days to respect time zones differences, “ESSO 2020 Virtual” will offer high quality sessions featuring leading international experts in their field and focusing on latest advances and practice-changing insights in surgical oncology. The programme will include plenary lectures and live debates on both interdisciplinary topics and specific tumour sites as well as surgical techniques videos, oral and e-poster presentations. Thanks to a safe and reliable platform, interaction will be possible through live Q&A, polls, open forum during and after the meeting. Registered participants will also receive on-demand access after the meeting in the event they cannot attend the entire live meeting.

We invite you to share your research and submit an abstract for presentation during the virtual meeting. All selected abstracts will be published in EJSO-the Journal of Cancer Surgery.

Stay up-to-date by visiting the “ESSO 2020 Virtual” website, read our e-communications and join the ESSO social media channels as we continue to plan an outstanding programme.

We look forward to a lively knowledge exchange during "ESSO 2020 Virtual”.

tags: European Society of Surgical Oncology ESSO 2020 surgical oncology ESSO 2020 Virtual virtual meeting

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