World Anti-Microbial Resistance Congress 2018

Organizer: Terrapinn
Venue: The Ritz-Carlton, 1150 22nd St NW, 20037 Washington, D.C., United States
Website: go to
Date: from: 2018-10-25 to: 2018-10-26
Fee: 450 - 1200 USD
Programme: view
Views: 2268

Since 2015, the World Anti-Microbial Resistance Congress has been the go-to global meeting for stakeholders to discuss strategies and commercial approaches to combat AMR.

Over 400 stakeholders will once again gather in Washington D.C. to discuss critical challenges and opportunities to advance antibiotic and diagnostics development, improve antimicrobial stewardship practice and incentivize funding and partnering to bring innovation to patients and the healthcare system in need.

At the 4th Annual World Anti-Microbial Resistance Congress, discussions will be addressing 4 key
• Antibiotic R&D
• Diagnostics
• Antimicrobial Stewardship
• Innovation Showcase
Hospitals, investors, government employees, regulators, international organizations, funding agencies and innovative solution providers will be discussing the most pressing and contentious areas of combating antimicrobial resistance including:
• How to remove hurdles to non-traditional antibiotics development and funding?
• How to bring effective incentives such as market entry rewards and transferrable exclusivity to fruition?
• How to fundamentally change the reimbursement framework of antimicrobial drugs?
• How can innovation and technology support antimicrobial stewardship programs and improve
• How to streamline antimicrobial susceptibility tests approval and accessibility, while incentivizing
innovation in AST?

If your organization is working to curb Anti-Microbial Resistance then you must attend the World AMR
Congress 2018.

We look forward to meeting you in Washington D.C. this October 25-26!

tags: microbial resistance world Antimicrobial Resistance diagnostic

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