ESSO Course on Liver Surgery: from basic to advanced care

Organizer: ESSO
Venue: Rudolfstiftung Hospital , Juchgasse 25 , 1030 Vienna, Austria
Website: go to
Date: from: 2017-09-04 to: 2017-09-05
Fee: 650 - 800 EUR
Programme: view
Views: 2040

Aim of the course

During this course attendees willl be introduced into the diagnosis, the indication and the multidisciplinary approach to treat liver and bile duct tumours as well as their access, procedure and perioperative care.

Main topics

Radiologic differentiation
Surgical indications
Identification of ligamentary structures
Intraoperative ultrasound
Resection techniques and devices
Anatomical vs non-anatomical resection
Laparoscopic procedures
Educational methods

Live surgery (each session will include live transmission of liver procedures)
Video-based discussions
Plenary lectures
Participants profile

General surgeons or surgical trainees/residents
Surgeons at the level of specialization

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