Samaneh  Rokhgireh

Samaneh Rokhgireh

MD, PhD - Assistant Professor
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Iran University of Medical Sciences
Department of gynecology, Tehran, Iran
Professor (Assistant), Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Gynecology Surgery (FMIGS)

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Shaving Technique in Rectal Endometriosis

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Video case: 24 years old woman with history of severe pelvic pain. Transrectal ultrasonography showed endometrioma with rectal endometriosis.

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy of Myomatous Uterus

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Video case: 42 y/o woman presenting with pelvic pain and abnormal uterine bleeding. Uterus was approximately 14 cm and myomatous. Bladder adhesion was due to previous cesarean section.

Laparoscopic Cystectomy of Huge Multiloculate Ovarian Cyst

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19 Y/O girl presenting with abdominal mass. Ultrasonography showed 20*25 cm multiloculate ovarian cyst without solid component. CA125 was 35, other tumor markers were normal.

Bladder Endometriosis

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Video case: unilateral endometrioma and bladder endometriosis. Hydrodissection technique for cystectomy.

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

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Video case: 43 y/o with left tubo ovarian complex, complaining from chronic pelvic pain.

LH, Endometriosis

views: 3151 comments: 2

Video case: laparoscopic hysterectomy in 47Y/O woman with endometriosis

Ovarian Transposition

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Video case: ovarian transposition in 17 years old girl. She was known case of sacral sarcoma and was a candidate for radiotherapy.

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