Adrian  Wróżek

Adrian Wróżek

Professional group
Fields of interest
Gastroenterologist in Busko-Zdrój, Poland

Latest content

"Play by one's rules" - Large LST-G Resection by Piecemeal...

views: 622 comments: 0

The case of a patient with large (LST-G) laterally spreading spreading tumor located in a  colonic flexure. Very unstable endoscope position enabling only piecemeal endoscopic mucosal resection...

Lateral Pre-Cut LST Endoscopic Resection

views: 781 comments: 0

Endoscopic video case: laterally spreading tumor resected with a snare in enblock fashion preceded by lateral circumferential precutting.   

Sessile Serrated Polyposis - EMR Multiple Resection

views: 521 comments: 0

Endoscopic video case: patient presenting with sessile serrated polyposis. Mulltiple lesion EMR real time resection.  

The Odd One Out - Serrated Polyposis Syndrome

views: 399 comments: 0

Serrated polyposis syndrome (SPS) ... multiple SSA resected with snare ... and "the odd one out" IP polyp ... plus some minor bleeding after reversed snare grasping. (see more --> video title...

Retroflexion ESD of Subcardial Lesion

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Clinical video case: hybrid ESD of subcardial lesion performed in retroflexion.

Rectal ESD

views: 710 comments: 3

Recording presents a case of rectal ESD of a 0-IS polyp. Should we consider this case for suturing resection bed? Is leaving this mucosal layer alone resonable? 

Esophageal ESD

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This video presents a case of esophageal SMT resected endoscopically with endoscopic submucoasal dissection (ESD).

EMR of Periappendiceal Lesion After Partial Circumferential Incision

views: 3455 comments: 0

Video case: polyp located close to appendiceal orifice. Minding quite thin wall of the ceacum after proper lifting lateral incision was made to facilitate ensnaring the lesion. Clips applied to the resection...

Multiple Stone CBD ERCP Clearance

views: 2249 comments: 0

Endoscopic video case: ERCP with biliary tract balloon clearance.

Disrupted Biliary Tree Treatment

views: 2240 comments: 0

A case of disrupted biliary tree during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. A young lady presented with increasing bilirubin and cholestatic enzymes level with abdominal right upper quadrant pain after a very...

LST-G - Mixed Type - ESD Resection

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A video case of ESD resection series presenting LST-G polyp in a young lady. Resection in "enblock fashion". Specimen was retrieved and sent to histopatology... report pending.

Antral Lesion ESD

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A case of antral ESD performed without sedation and with visible normal perystalsis. Resection bed closed with clips. Next day control endoscopy was performed. Patient on iv PPI.

BIG LST-G Mixed Type pEMR Resection

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Endoscopy video case: LST-G mixed type at 40 cm from anus, located in a flexure with enhanced respiratory and vascular mobility. Procedure started with lateral incision. Piecemeal endsocopic mucosal resection...

ESD of a Huge 11x5 cm LST-G Mixed Type in Frailty Syndrome Patient

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A case of over 80 years old patient with frailty syndrome who disagreed surgical treament... . Huge 11 cm LST-G mixed type with sessile component resected in enblock fashion... .  

Huge Colonic IS Polyp Clip Assisted Resection

views: 1925 comments: 1

Endoscopic video case: with base quite difficult to access, a clip was placed at the base to facilliate resection of quite big colonic polyp - enabling en block resection with snaring above the clip....

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Sigmoid Colon - Rectal Cancer - Small Polyp And Anorectal Varices...

views: 13479 comments: 0

Pencil-like stools , contipation for several weeks and the reason is.

Esophageal Diverticula

views: 9599 comments: 0

The author of this video presents esophageal diverticula.

Chronic HP Infection Lymphoid Antral Hyperplasia

views: 9458 comments: 0

HP chronic gastritis , anaemia :Hgb - 6 g%, two small ulcers in duodenal bulb front wall - probable cause of GI bleed

Bulbar Ulceration - Forrest II C

views: 8912 comments: 0

This video shows bulbar ulceration - forrest II c.

Enterobiosis In Colonoscopy

views: 8514 comments: 0

This video shows enterobiosis in colonoscopy.

Bulbar Fistula With Purulent Secretion / Bulbar Ulcer Complication

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This video shows bulbar fistula with purulent secretion / bulbar ulcer complication.

Celiac Disease

views: 7068 comments: 0

70 year old patient suffering from weight loss, microcytic aneami - late onset or late diagnosis?

Upper Gastrointestinal Tract Bleeding In Colonoscopy

views: 6095 comments: 0

Patient presented on MEDTUBE as duodenal ulcer - Forrest IIc.

Piecemeal Ascending Colon LST-G Resection

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Video case of piecemeal ascending colon LST-G resection.

CBD Stone Extraction

views: 3961 comments: 0

Video case: patient with liver injury, cholangitis prior to procedure due to stone in middle cbd. Treated with sphincterotomy with balloon catheter stone extraction.

Sphincterotomy - How Far is Enough, ERCP Stone Extraction

views: 3750 comments: 2

Video case: patient with history of recent cholangitis resolving with broad spectrum antibiotics. On endosonography stones in hardly dilated bile ducts. Ampullary orifice located quite deep in diverticulum...

Perforation Closure - The Art of Clipping

views: 3681 comments: 4

A case of incomplete perforation after endoscopic procedure in transverse colon. Hemoclips were used, suturing resection bed completely. Patient started on iv antibiotics - discharged a few days...

EMR of Periappendiceal Lesion After Partial Circumferential Incision

views: 3455 comments: 0

Video case: polyp located close to appendiceal orifice. Minding quite thin wall of the ceacum after proper lifting lateral incision was made to facilitate ensnaring the lesion. Clips applied to the resection...

ESD/EMR in Ascending Colon

views: 3334 comments: 2

Endoscopic video case: lesion in ascending colon resected in combined ESD/EMR manner... pulsatile bleeding management ... and clipping. 

Antral Lesion Evaluation Including Retroflexion in D1

views: 3226 comments: 0

Endoscopy video case: antral lesion evaluation including retroflexion in D1.  

Twin Kissing Bulbar Ulcers

Twin Kissing Bulbar Ulcers

views: 4468 comments: 0

Medical picture presenting endoscopic image of twin kissing ulcers in duodenal bulb. The diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori is necessary and if positive, eradication treatment should be administered.