UCSD Trauma Burn - publications, events, lectures
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- San Diego
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- 1994-01-01
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- UCSD Trauma Burn
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- 19954
- Description
- The Division of Trauma/Surgical Critical Care/Burns is part of the Department of Surgery, UC San Diego Health System. The division has been maintaining the video production to support medical staff in education and training since 1994.
Latest content
Role of Effective Telecommunications on Trauma Care
This film discusses different forms and available applications used for communication in telemedicine.
Topical Sealants
In this film, MD Jay Doucet describes the efficiency, types, usage and complications that may occur before and after the topical sealants.
5TH Annual Update In Abdominal Transplantation - Welcome/Opening...
The following video was recorded during 5th Annual Update in Abdominal Transplantation in 2012. Presented by Alexander Aussi, RN, MBA, Director, Center for Transplantation, UCSD Health System
Challenges in Disaster
Professor Jay Doucet in this presentation discusses ways of preparation and organization of medical assistance in the event of an accident in which large amounts of persons are injured and or wounded.
Economic analysis of the functioning of intensive care unit
Dr. Jay Doucet in this video presents the economic principles of functioning evacuation intensive therapy effectiveness. The economic effects of having ICU, enrollment limits, and the arguments for closing...
Respiratory Therapy
DR. Bruce Potenza and Peg Hollingsworth-Fridlund talk about the proper procedure for carrying oxygen therapy, used equipment and people involved during this therapy.
5TH Annual Update In Abdominal Transplantation - Consideration in...
The following video, recorded during 5th Annual Update in Abdominal Transplantation, focuses on issues of clinical consideration in the care of the Mechanical Assist Device (VAD) patient. Presenter: Cassia...
Operating Room (OR) Resuscitation
This film answers questions of which patients are eligible for OR resuscitation and how trauma team should apply judgments and timely techniques for OR resuscitation on a case by case basis.
Ready for Anything: Critical Care Emergency Preparedness (CCEP)
Medical Doctor Jay Doucet ensures how ICU can be ready for disaster or mass casualty event. He describes what is an ICU disaster event, what problems occur in overall managing, and how can staff more...
Trauma In Pregnancy
The film presents the theoretical basis and practical procedures in problem cases relating with blood pressure caused by abdominal trauma in pregnant women.
Training & Simulators
In this film, MD Jay Doucet describes how to conduct training / simulation of human phantoms using appropriate protocols. Also describes what advantages there are with continuous traumatic team training.
Abdominal Vascular Injuries
This film shows the presentations of Professor Raul Coumbra describing the various methods of control of bleeding from blood vessels in the abdomen. He also analyzes the results of methods used and discusses...
Module II: Disaster Management Principles
Disasters are very complex and difficult situations for healthcare providers as they provide high number of patients in very short time. Therefore, an adequate plans must be done in order to make the...
Transfusion Issues
Kris Mitchell and others include information about the history of blood transfusion, its physiology, and recommendations and reasons for why some patients can not perform this procedure.
Clinical Management of Chemical and Biological Events (CMCBE)
Professor Jay Doucet presents topic related to biological and chemical agents that most commonly occur in patients. With this presentation we will learn what are the first symptoms and the most frequent...
Top content
Chest Tube Insertion
In this film Dennis Kim describes the drainage of pleural cavity, the execution of this procedure, the advantages and disadvantages, and the most common complications after surgery.
Placement of Central Venous Catheter - NEJM
A central venous catheter can be used in many situations: to administer drugs, fluids or to provide nourishment for the patient, thus it needs to be placed properly. This video prepared by the New England...
Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma
A Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) is one of the basic examinations in trauma patients. When done properly it allows to confirm or to exclude the presence of fluid in serous cavities...
Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage (DPL)
In this film the drug. Dennis Kim describes diagnostic peritoneal lavage. He describes this procedure, shows advantages and disadvantages, and the most common complications after surgery.
Surgical Cricothyroidotomy
In this film Dennis Kim describes the correct execution of surgical tracheotomy, advantages and disadvantages, and the most common complications after surgery.
Central Line Insertion - Part III: Insertion
A central line can be used in many medical situations. To serve properly it has to be inserted in a proper way. The following video demonstrates the technique for a central line insertion using ultrasound...
Real Life Trauma Resuscitation
Orientation and presentation showing trauma room and team members and their responsibilities. Video clip also shows division protocols and guidelines and a real life trauma resuscitation scenario.
UCSD Central Line Insertion Video - Part 3
The following video presents a technique for an insertion of a central line using ultrasound guidance. The procedure is described step by step from the beginning to the very end, including indications,...
Central Line Insertion - Part I: Overview
The following video presents a proper technique for a central line insertion under ultrasound guidance. Part one presents an overview of the information and technical details about the procedure.
Blunt Hepatic Trauma: Current Management
Film presentation from Patrick Bosarga contains information about the injuries of the liver. Describing the most common types of injuries, diagnosis and treatments.
Ultrasound Evaluation of the Ab Aorta
An ultrasound is an important tool in abdominal aorta evaluation. It provides a fast insight in the structure of the vessel and enables the physician to find and diagnose life-threathening conditions...
Central Line Insertion - Part II: Survey
Presented video details a proper technique for a central line insertion. Part II shows how to perform a survey of the insertion site in a non-sterile fashion and how to find and distinguish subclavian...
Ultrasound Physics & Instrumentation Knobology
Nowadays, an ultrasound examination is one of the basic techniques used by physicians. To perform it properly it is necessary to have proper knowledge about ultrasound physics, instrumentation and available...
Dressing Change - Burn Patients
Burn treatment often lasts for a very long time, therefore multiple dressing changes are required. A proper technique of a dressing change is required in order to avoid infections and additional patient's...
Inhalation Injury - B. Potenza
Inhalation injuries are acute respiratory injuries caused by thermal or chemical inhaltents. As they are life-threatening situations, they require quick and proper treatment. B. Potenza from UC San Diego...