MEDtube Science 2017 - Assessment Of The Incidence Of Transplant Renal Artery Stenosis (Tras) In The Early Post-transplantation Period

3 years ago

Case description

Transplant renal artery stenosis (TRAS) affects 1-23% of recipients and accounts for about 75% of all post- transplantation vascular complications. Objective: The purpose of the work was to evaluate the incidence of TRAS in the period up to 6 months after kidney transplantation and analysis of selected stenosis risk factors in a group of patients transplanted in the Clinic of General and Transplantation Surgery of the Institute of Transplantology of the Medical University of Warsaw. Material and methods: A retrospective analysis of a group of 334 patients treated in the period from January 2014 to December 2015 was performed. The cases of patients in whom a≥50% stenosis of artery lumen was described on imaging studies within 6 months after transplantation were evaluated and selected stenosis risk factors were analysed. Results: The incidence of TRAS in the study (7.2%) is comparable to the results of other centres in Poland and abroad. No statistically significant relationships were found in the TRAS vs. non-TRAS groups for the studied risk factors (p>0.05). In the TRAS CD vs. LD groups, the value of the Phi index (φ=0.318) for the parameter of multiple renal arteries is of note. Conclusions: Multiple renal arteries may represent an important indicator in the diagnosis for TRAS.

tags: MEDtube science journal 2017 transplant renal artery STENOSIS

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