Urine Good Hands: The Life of a Urologist
Whether or not you want to be a urologist, urology shadowing is a fascinating experience. Get a glimpse into the daily life of a urologist, ask questions and learn from lectures. Visit https://shadowing.medschoolcoach.com/lessons/urology-with-dr-edward-chang/...
Urethral Subocclusion with Polyacrylamide for...
We present the technique for treating stress urinary incontinence through the injection of a polyacrylamide coaptive agent to create a subocclusion in the urethral lumen. There are no conflicts of interest...
Sub Inguinal Varicocelectomy
Urology video case: microscopic assistent sub inguinal varicocelectomy >> the new gold standard treatment for varicocele.
Robotic Radical Prostatectomy Case with Early...
This surgery was executed using the robotic platform on Santa Izabel Hospital Salvador. The ''Insituto Baiano de Cirurgia Robótica'' is the pioneer of robotic surgery in Bahia and was created to offer...
A new Strategy: Robotic Termino-Terminal Urethroplasty...
This surgery was executed using the robotic platform on Santa Izabel Hospital Salvador. The ''Insituto Baiano de Cirurgia Robótica'' is the pioneer of robotic surgery in Bahia and was created to offer...
Radical Prostatectomy Post-Radiotherapy with...
Video case: radical prostatectomy post-radiotherapy with perineal prostatic fistula using Versius platform. This video show an 81 year old man who underwent a robotic radical prostatectomy procedure after...
Urethral Dilatation
Urethral dilation is a medical procedure used to widen the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine out of the body from the bladder. This is usually done to treat a condition called urethral stricture,...
Long Sewing Needle (FB) in Penile Urethra
Urology clinical video case: self-insertion of a foreign body in the urethra is an uncommon presentation clinically. The cases usually arise due to fulfilment of sexual desire, for recreation, play, or...
Organ Sparing Surgery for a Tumor of the Sole...
Surgical video case: reoperation of tumor resection on inferior pole of remaining right kidney due to cell carcinoma. 33mm tumor protuding to kidney outline. Classsical open lumbar oblique technique....
Reconstruction and Sealing of the Urinary Tract...
3 urologic video cases showing sealing the urinary tract after reconstruction when encountering break of continuity in selected urinary system procedures: stone removal from ureter, radical prostatectomy...
Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic Surgery for Removing...
60 years old female patient. Past medical history: diabetes. The patient went for a routine check-up and accidentally discovered a T kidney tumor.
Decorticating the Hilar Renal Cyst by Retroperitoneal...
Surgical video case: a 51-year-old female patient experienced a dull ache in her flank 6 months ago. The patient was examined and found that there was a right renal cyst near the renal hilum....
Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy using...
Robotic-Assisted radical prostatectomy using Versius. Procedure was performed in Salve Medica Hospital - Łódź, Poland. Operator - Dr Mateusz Jobczyk. Beside surgeon - Dr Wojciech Wyroślak.
Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy
The technique of laparoscopic transperitonal partial nephrectomy is presented. The procedure was performed with warm ischemia after selective clamping of renal artery. Special attention should be payed...
Retroperitoneoscopic Radical Nephrectomy
The step-by-step technique of laparoscopic radical nephrectomy with retroperitoneoscopic access is presented. The detailed surgical and anatomical aspects are shown and explained. The movie might be helpful...