urethral catheterization

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Male Urethral Catheterization Indications and...

Divakar Dalela

Specialty:  Urology
views: 7126 comments: 0

This video educates about various clinical indications and contraindications for passing a catheter in an adult male. Video by Dr Divakar Dalela.

Problems Immediately After Urethral Catheterization

Divakar Dalela

Specialty:  Urology
views: 4847 comments: 0

This video educates about various problems that can happen to the patient immediately after urethral catheterization and how can they be prevented and solved. Video by Divakar Dalela.

Problems Anytime After Urethral Catheterization

Divakar Dalela

Specialty:  Urology
views: 8507 comments: 0

This video demonstrates various problems that may happen to the patient anytime after the urethral catheterization and how can they be prevented and solved. Video by Divakar Dalela.

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