Severe mitral valve regurgitation

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Mitral Valve Repair of Fibroelastic Deficiency...

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From The Mitral Valve Repair Reference Center at The Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. David H. Adams presents the case of a 69 year old man who had severe mitral valve regurgitation with mild pulmonary hypertension...

Mitral Valve Repair of Complex Barlow's Disease

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From The Mitral Valve Repair Reference Center at The Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. Anelechi Anyanwu presents the case of a 33 year old male with a long history of a cardiac murmur. He noticed increased palpitations...

Mitral Valve Repair of Commissural Prolapse

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From The Mitral Valve Repair Reference Center at The Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. David H. Adams presents the case of a 34 year old male who presented with severe mitral valve regurgitation. He has been...

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