
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Giant Pedunculated Mixed Mesenchymal Tumor -...

views: 6197 comments: 0

 Author: Artur Zakościelny The film was presented on MEDtube Videosession during the Congress of Minimally Invasive Surgery in Lublin, 27 September 2018.

Barrett's esophagus - Prague Classification -...

views: 20665 comments: 0

A graphic illustration of how to perform an oesophagus inspection and how to assess changes in the oesophageal mucosa. Video with author's commentary.

Laparoscopic Enucleation of Leiomyoma of Oesophagus

views: 8014 comments: 0

35 yr male presented with burning in epigastrium and dysphagia for 1 month. CECT abdomen showed soft tissue mass in distal esophagus in the mediastinum. After evaluation laparoscopic enucleation of leiomyoma...

Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication for GERD

views: 11950 comments: 0

Surgery for reflux is relatively simple but the technique includes a lot of small details. We present a very detailed video for the anatomy and technique of nissen fundoplication for GERD.

Esophageal Leiomyoma

views: 7610 comments: 0

We present a nice case of an oesophageal leiomyoma of the middle third of the oesophagus. The approach was thoracoscopic and the patient did not have a chest tube at the end of the procedure; a truly...

Endoscope Insertion

views: 4203 comments: 0

The video clip shows the insertion of the endoscope from the oropharynx to the upper esophageal sphincter. The endoscope should be gently inserted forward at the right. Endoscope passing posteriorly...

Pulsations of The Tracheal Wall

views: 5227 comments: 0

So called windpipe (the trachea) extends from the level of C6 vertebra to its point of bifurcations between T5-T7 vertebra. We divide it into cervical and mediastinal trachea. The total length is between...

Foreign Body In Esophagus

views: 8922 comments: 0

The material presents foreign body in esophagus.

Chicken Bone In The Esophagus

views: 5254 comments: 0

In this video the author presents chicken bone in the esophagus.

Chicken Bone In The Esophagus

views: 6677 comments: 0

In this video you can see chicken bone in the esophagus.

Esophageal Mycosis

views: 7487 comments: 0

The author of this video presents esophageal mycosis.

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