Surgical Technique for TachoSil® Use in Robotic...
Surgical technique on a patient presented with a solitary colorectal liver metastasis with diameter of 8 cm in the left hemiliver. The tumor was impinging on the left hepatic vein, the middle hepatic...
Laparoscopic Multivisceral Resection for Advanced...
58-year-old male patient (BMI 22.4) with obstructing sigmoid adenocarcinoma. Preoperative CT revealed a large sigmoid tumor infiltrating the urinary bladder and the small bowel. No distant metastases...
Laparoscopic Right Hemihepatectomy Caudal Approach...
We present a case of a patient after laparoscopic sigmoidectomy (1 month ago) for colorectal cancer (T3N1c). Preoperative imaging confirmed large metastasis in posterior segments of the right lobe of...
Lung Cancer (Part 2) - Treatment Updates
There is tremendous progress in lung cancer treatment including personalised treatment options. The targeted therapy uses a specific inhibitor against specific cancer genes, which provides higher response...
Lung Cancer (Part 1): 2021 Comprehensive Updates
Lung cancer is the second most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death. At the beginning there are presented risk factors and screening methods. There is division for main types of lung cancer...
Should We Offer Liver Transplantation for CRLM?
Presented by Thomas M. Fishbein at the "SAGES/ILLS Session: Multidisciplinary Modalities in the Treatment of Colorectal Liver Metastasis" session during the SAGES 2019 Annual Meeting in Baltimore,...
Laparoscopic Transperitoneal Left Adrenalectomy...
62-year-old male patient (BMI 28.1) with left adrenal gland metastasis from non-small cell lung cancer. Previous history of NSCLC treatment (perioperative chemotherapy + right lower lobectomy) in June...
Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery: Lingulectomy
This video shows VATS lingulectomy for colorectal pulmonary metastasis. Video by Professor Tristan D. Yan
Scarless Single Incision Laparoscopic Loop Ileostomy
Scarless single incision laparoscopic loop ileostomy in 55 years old female with colon cancer with liver metastasis. Video by Heidi Schubmehl, MD, James Ianuzzi, MD, Todd D Francone, MD.
Stent Implantation In Duodenal Stenosis - Cancer
The following patient has a stent implanted because of metastatic lession in a duodenum. Palliative therapy.
Multiple Hepatic Metastases
In this video you can see an ultrasound image of multiple hepatic metastases.
Colon Adenocarcinoma - Metastatic Of The Stomach...
Video endoscopic image of colonic metastasis to the stomach
Colon Adenocarcinoma - Metastatic Of The Stomach...
This is the case of a 72 year-old lady, four years previously undergone surgery due to a adenocarcinoma of the descending colon limited to the splenic flexure. Two years later the cancer had abdominal...