
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Take a Beat to Learn About the Life of a Cardiologist


Specialty:  Students
views: 713 comments: 0

What does a day in the life of a cardiologist look like? While shadowing in interventional cardiology you will learn about procedures such as coronary artery stenting, and interact with a physician practicing...

Make No Bones About the Life of an Orthopedic...


Specialty:  Students
views: 599 comments: 0

Orthopaedic surgeons work with people with a wide range of ailments, from birth defects to sports injuries. Shadow here, and you will learn from a practicing physician how to treat these paitients. Visit...

Everything About the Daily Life as an Internist


Specialty:  Students
views: 649 comments: 0

Internal medicine shadowing allows you to explore the daily life of a doctor who treats internal diseases. This course is perfect for pre-med students with a particular interest in this specialty. Visit...

All in the Family: A Look into Family Medicine


Specialty:  Students
views: 669 comments: 0

Do you aspire to be the type of doctor who takes care of people of all ages? Family medicine shadowing is the perfect course for learning what this entails and excelling in the subject matter. Visit

Delivering a Look in the Life of an Ob-Gyn


Specialty:  Students
views: 589 comments: 0

Shadow a gynecologist as they explain in detail how they care for their pregnant and non-pregnant patients. Learn what Ob-Gyn specialists to promote female health. Visit

Applied Anatomy of Subtotal Thyroidectomy

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 8250 comments: 0

This video is intended to highlight anatomical structures of surgical significance during subtotal thyroidectomy. Video by Dr. Akram Jaffar, Department of Medical Neuroscience, Dalhousie Medicine New...

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