medical device

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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eCut Insert in Bipolar Coagulation Forceps

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The use of an eCut insert in bipolar coagulation forceps in laparoscopic appendectomy will minimize your need for the use of a scissor every now and then to divide the coagulated segment of the mesoappendix....

Nasr Fascial Closure Device

views: 2549 comments: 3

The nasr fascial closure device is a novel device for novel technique for port site closure. The device and the technique are described in the following link fulltext/2024/43010/nasr_fascial_closure__a_novel_device_for_...

Ventricular Assist Device Circuit Assembly and...

views: 479 comments: 0

Cardiohelp, a revolutionary medical device, stands at the forefront of critical care technology, serving as a portable and efficient heart-lung machine. Developed for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation...

vNOTES Isolation of Anterior Vesicouterine Peritoneum

Luka Matak

Specialty:  Gynecology
views: 4649 comments: 0

Surgical video: in some cases anterior colpotomy could not be easily done. As this is one of the important steps in vNOTES hysterectomy this video shows how vesicouterine peritoneum could be opened using...

Targeted Small Implant Inject, Implant Technique...

views: 2282 comments: 0

This video demonstrates additional techniques and anatomy to enhance the position of an (*brand hidden*) inject device. This applies to the injectW and the infinite. Placing the device in the posterior...

Optical Knife for Real-Time Intra-Operative Oncological...

views: 1169 comments: 0

Presentation title: "Optical Knife for Real-Time Intra-Operative Oncological Guidance". Author: Sara Azizian Amiri. This video was recorded during SMIT 2022 meeting in Oslo (May 2022). Produced...

New Technique for Endoscopic Adenoidectomy by...

views: 4507 comments: 8

New technique for endoscopic adenoidectomy by microdebrider using 70 degree endoscope trans oral and microdebrider introduced trans nasal. Very simple, safe and rapid technique with minimal limitations....

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