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Fever 2 - Lectures for General Practitioners

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 1273 comments: 0

In these lectures, Dr. Ghanashyam Vaidya explains a few common case encountered by general practitioners and how to manage them. This is 2nd part of fever lecture. Fever, also referred to as pyrexia,...

Fever 1 - Lectures for General Practitioners

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 1800 comments: 0

In these lectures, Dr. Ghanashyam Vaidya explains a few common case encountered by general practitioners and how to manage them. This is 1st part of fever lecture. Fever, also referred to as pyrexia,...

Live Surgery, Lectures and Wetlab at Berlin Uniportal...

views: 2507 comments: 0

Full video about our last international uniportal VATS course in Berlin, with live surgery, lectures and wetlab.

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