Osteotomies Around the Knee
Omer Zubair - The presentation is about osteotomies around the knee, a topic that is important but often ignored. - Osteotomies were introduced in the 60s and became popular again in the 1990s due to...
The Failing Knee Replacement
Jikku Haniball: the failing knee replacement . For upcoming webinars and courses, please visit: uk.
History and Examination of the Knee for Postgraduate...
Jeh Mahaluxmivala - The transcript is a discussion about a knee examination for postgraduate orthopedic exams. - The speaker discusses the importance of taking a systematic approach to history taking...
Baker's Cyst Knee
Baker’s cysts, also known as popliteal cysts, are one of the most common disorders in the knee. These fluid filled cyst form at the back of the knee in the area called the popliteal fossa. It is...
Knee Arthroscopy: Setup, Positioning, Portal...
Surgical video: Knee arthroscopy: setup, positioning, portal placement, and fluid management.
Knee Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis,...
This medical video covers the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of knee arthritis, which is the most common type of arthritis in the knee. It explains how the cartilage wears off, leading to...
How to read a knee MRI?
In this video Prof. Bellemans explains how to read a knee MRI. He'll explain what important structures you can look for and how you can detect injuries.00:00 Intro 00:17 The different MRI views 01:10...
Picture tests in Anatomy Lower Limb Knee and...
After completion of this video, you will be able to identify and discuss some features of the popliteal fossa and knee joint: Popliteal artery; soleus; common peroneal nerve; patella; anterior cruciate...
Picture tests in Anatomy Lower Limb Knee and...
After completion of this video, you will be able to identify and discuss some features of the popliteal fossa and knee joint: Ligaments; bursae; prepatellar bursa; suprapatellar bursa; gastrocnemius bursa;...
Knee Ultrasound (4/4): Posterior Side
Finally we will take a look at the posterior side of the knee. We will divide it in 3 areas posteromedial, posterolateral and posterocentral to simplificate. We will talk about the semimembranossus, gastrocnemius...
Knee Ultrasound (2/4): Medial Side
This is the second video of ultrasound of the knee. In this video wi will take a look at the medial structures of the knee. We will learn its Anatomy and its Ultrasound imaging. We will check the medial...
Knee Ultrasound (3/4): Lateral Side
This is the third video of the knee anatomy & ultrasound series. In this video we will discuss the assesment of the lalteral side of the knee, paying attention specially to the lateral collateral...
Patellar Fractures - Everything You Need To Know...
Educational animated video describes patellar fractures, its types, and fixation. Movement of the patella across the knee is normally a gliding, smoot movement. A patellar fracture is an injury to the...
Baker's Cyst
Baker’s cyst is sometimes called a “popliteal cyst”. It is a benign swelling found behind the knee. The Baker’s cyst lies posterior to the medial femoral condyle. The patient usually has swelling behind...
Clinical Anatomy - Knee
In this video we're going to talk about the clinical anatomy of the knee joint