Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Endoscopic Hemorrhoidal Banding-Underwater

views: 6678 comments: 0

Video case: endoscopic hemorrhoidal banding for Internal hemorrhoids. Not more than 2-Bands to be deployed in a sitting.

Laser treatment of hemorrhoids

views: 9258 comments: 0

LHP: laser hemorrhoidoplasty is a new minimally invasive technology among therapeutic options for hemorrhoidal disease. It is a safe, precise, fast and efficient method. It is less painful, non-hemorrhagic,...

Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty (LHP)

views: 21323 comments: 0

Grade III hemorrhoids in a 35-year-old patient.

Procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids (PPH)

views: 6322 comments: 1

This video demonstrate procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids . This operation is also known as stapled anopexy. A specially designed circular stapling instrument is inserted through the anus (back passage)...

Rectum Retroflexed Normal

views: 15691 comments: 0

This video shows the retroflexed scope in the rectum looking back at the distal rectum and proximal anus; the internal hemorrhoids are visible where the 20 cm mark can be seen.

Hemorrhoids In 3rd Grade

views: 60353 comments: 0

The following video presents the hemorrhoids in 3rd grade, when can be treated with the best result.

Hemorrhoids In 4th Grade

views: 19607 comments: 0

The following video shows 4th stage hemorrhoids with hypertrophic rectal mucosa.

Ulcerated Rectum Adenocarcinoma

views: 3368 comments: 0

A 53 year-old man who asked for help for supposed hemorrhoids.

Rectal Carcinoma At The Second Valve

views: 5562 comments: 0

The video clip displays internal hemorrhoids. It is a common situation that the medical history reveals when the patient had been under prior treatment for hemorrhoids, over a long period of time,...

Hemorrhoids - Histopathology of anus

views: 10489 comments: 0

Author presents hemorrhoids in histopathological image of anus.

Internal haemorrhoids - Infrared coagulation

views: 21213 comments: 0

This material shows photocoagulation of internal hemorrhoids.


views: 5470 comments: 0

What is the definition of a hemorrhoid? Encircle several hemorrhoids. Encircle any which may be thrombosed. Is the overlying mucosa squamous or columnar? Is this more likely to be proximal or distal...

Grade III Of Piles

views: 36879 comments: 1

In this video you can see grade III of piles.

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