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Complex Uniportal VATS Left Upper Sleeve Reconstruction...

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In this video we show a video in a patient who received induction treatment for lung cancer centrally located and with endobronchial tumor. An uniportal VATS was performed through a 4 cm incision and...

Uniportal Management of Complex Bronchus During...

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In this video we show the management of a complex bronchus. During a single-port VATS left upper lobectomy (fissureless technique) the bronchus was fused, a lymph node was blocking the dissection. To...

Uniportal VATS Complex Segmental Bronchoplastic...

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In this video we show a complex brochoplasty and reconstruction of RUL segmental bronchi to main bronchus after a bilobectomy (avoiding pneumonectomy). The postoperative course of the patient was uneventful....

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