Barrett's Esophagus of long segment (24 of 24)

Barrett's Esophagus of long segment (24 of 24)
13 years ago

Case description

Alcian Blue Stains.

Alcian blue goblet cells are seen at the ectopic gastric
Specialized columnar epithelium characterized by alcian
blue-positive and mucin-containing goblet cells. This type
of epithelium is diagnostic of Barretts esophagus.

Pseudogoblet cells are barrel-shaped gastric surface or
foveolar cells that do not stain with Alcian blue. These cells
commonly have a blush of eosinophilia, due to neutral
mucin, on H&E stained sections, in contrast to the blush of
basophilia, imparted by the acidic mucin in goblet cells.

Alcian blue positivity in a columnar cell does not
necessarily indicate a metaplastic goblet cell; it should have
a barrel shape. Other types of cells that can be alcian blue
positive but which lack the barrel shape include: reactive
gastric foveolar cells, which may be present in the pits and
on the mucosal surface, mucous neck cells of the gastric
glands, esophageal cardiac glands, and submucosal glands
in the esophagus.

tags: esophagus segment

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