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Alberto Castillejo
materials: 0 views: 595
Import and Distribution Medical Equipment into Mexico and Central America
Easy Radiology
materials: 0 views: 594
Radiology Channel from Egypt for every radiologist in the world to learn the basics of radiology.
materials: 0 views: 591
All Kind of Surgical Videos & Information for Medical Students, reference surgical videos for doctors and for general public who wants to know or want to gain...
Vesalius Innovation Award
materials: 1 views: 572
Advancing the future of science, Karger Publishers launches its 4th Annual Vesalius Innovation Award 2023. Once again, we are pleased to invite innovative entrepreneurs...
NOMAD - Novel Medical and Diagnostic Procedures 2023
materials: 0 views: 565
Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejną, VII edycję Konferencji „NoMAD – Novel Medical & Diagnostic Procedures” organizowaną przez Studenckie Koło...
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Founded in 2001, by Dr Shara Cohen, after identifying a need for communicating science research between academia, clinical practice and industry, Euroscicon provides...
Medicom Medical Publishers
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Medicom Medical Publishers is the international congress specialist. We bring the congress to the doctor. Medicom Medical Publishers is an international medical...
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Thyroid, Parathyroid and Head and Neck Surgery Procedures Performed by Dr John Chaplin, Head and Neck, Endocrine and Reconstructive Surgeon in Auckland, New Zealand.
Australian Doctor Group
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The Australian Doctor Group is Australia’s leading healthcare media group, specialising in educating, entertaining and informing healthcare professionals for more...
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Gynius was created in Sweden with the vision that our Flagship product would improve women’s healthcare around the world. We believed that this goal was achievable...
International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy
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The International Society for Gynecologic Endoscopy was formed in 1989 by a group committed endoscopists from Europe and North America, who were soon joined by...
The Multimedia Manual of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (MMCTS)
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The Multimedia Manual of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (MMCTS) is produced by The European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS). MMCTS is the world’s...
Visible Body
materials: 0 views: 489
Visible Body is a virtual anatomy technology company that empowers a greater understanding of the human body. Our devotion to medical accuracy, accessibility, and...
Episirus Scientifica
materials: 0 views: 484
Episirus Scientifica provides specialized professional services like arranging conferences and events and hands-on experience from start to finish. We support project...
The Association of Medical Schools in Europe (AMSE)
materials: 0 views: 480
AMSE creates a forum for European Faculties of Medicine to share experiences in the fields of education, research and management. AMSE seeks to stimulate co-operation...
Guy's and St Thomas' Education
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A major teaching hospital at the forefront of clinical education and training, with strong teaching expertise across a wide range of specialties.
Radiology Xpress
materials: 0 views: 458
Radiology Xpress provides Medical Doctors with Radiological knowledge, allowing them to give best diagnosis to their patients. Complex Radiological images and cases...
IFHP - International Federation of Health Plans
materials: 0 views: 455
The iFHP is the leading CEO network within the global health insurance industry. We connect CEO’s and leaders at a senior level, to share knowledge through...
materials: 0 views: 431
Angiomedica is a import company of medical devices and we are currently seeking for innovative companies to make a partnership.