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Valikhnovski Academy
materials: 0 views: 25
Valikhnovski Academy is a medical platform specializing in live-streaming surgical operations. It is designed for educating medical professionals by providing access...
Den Norske Forening for Livsstilsmedisin
materials: 0 views: 15
Den Norske Forening for Livsstilsmedisin er for helsepersonell med interesse i forebygging, håndtering og reversering av livsstilsrelaterte sykdommer ved å bruke...
INDEX Conferences and Exhibitions
materials: 0 views: 159
INDEX Conferences and Exhibitions – ICE was established in 1991. ICE develops turnkey projects for the healthcare, entertainment, humanitarian, economic and...
American Medical Student Association
materials: 0 views: 211
We’re the American Medical Student Association — we exist to prepare, train and embolden medical students to become leaders. Advocates for quality and...
Society of Robotic Surgery
materials: 0 views: 207
This society is founded on the fundamental principles of education and collaboration as a means to tackle the complex issues of robotic surgery. This type of society...
Vesalius Innovation Award
materials: 1 views: 574
Advancing the future of science, Karger Publishers launches its 4th Annual Vesalius Innovation Award 2023. Once again, we are pleased to invite innovative entrepreneurs...
Cardiovascular Society - Imperial College London School
materials: 0 views: 130
Welcome to Imperial College London School of Medicine's Cardiovascular Society, one of the largest academic societies at our institution. Founded in 2014, our...
GEM s.r.l.
materials: 21 views: 3106
GEM is an Italian manufacturer and distributor of medical devices. It was founded in 1994 with a business culture primarily based on research, development, production...
Anam Ara
materials: 0 views: 104
Oto-Rhino 2023 Organizing team are pleased to announce Scholars World Congress on Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology held in Paris, France and Online during 12-13...
materials: 31 views: 2270
MedSchoolCoach provides pre-med and medical school admissions consulting services, MCAT and USMLE/COMLEX tutoring, and unique products and experiences that help...
materials: 4 views: 3340
Karger medical content and services make complex health sciences work for everyone, putting physicians and patients at the center of clinical research.
Orthopaedic Academy
materials: 234 views: 18996
Welcome to the Orthopaedic Academy profile on MEDtube, your go-to destination for high-quality educational resources in orthopaedic surgery. Our team of experienced...
Instituto Baiano de Cirurgia Robótica
materials: 10 views: 3152
The “Instituto Baiano de Cirurgia Robótica” is the biggest robotic surgery platform of Bahia. In this channel, you will find the most diverse tools...
NOMAD - Novel Medical and Diagnostic Procedures 2023
materials: 0 views: 571
Serdecznie zapraszamy na kolejną, VII edycję Konferencji „NoMAD – Novel Medical & Diagnostic Procedures” organizowaną przez Studenckie Koło...
Lublin International Students’ Surgical Congress LISSC
materials: 0 views: 308
1️⃣st edition of Lublin International Student’s Surgical Congress. The goal of LISSC is to:
Endoscopic Cardiac Surgeons Club (ECSC)
materials: 8 views: 4102
ECS Club promotes the global awareness of the advantages of endoscopic cardiac surgery to patients, surgeons and industry partners. One of our main goals is to...
Corza TachoSil Quill
materials: 81 views: 85180
Corza Medical is a new medical device and biosurgery company with decades of experience delivering innovative products to the global surgical community. We are...
HITEC - Hopkins International Therapeutic Endoscopy Course
materials: 1 views: 998
In short, HITEC will feature a detailed illustration of the optimal techniques to enhance endoscopic skills for the management of various luminal and pancreatico-biliary...
Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists (BIMC)
materials: 0 views: 698
Bialystok International Medical Congress for Young Scientists (BIMC) is a conference for medical and PhD students organized by the Students’ Scientific Society...